Choosing a Tutoring Business Model

The typical business model for a tutoring business is simple: your revenue is the fixed hourly fees students pay you, and the primary expense is the marketing efforts to acquire and retain students.

However, there are many types of people who require tutoring and there is more than one way to teach them. These and other factors will determine the choice of the business model.

To help you get some ideas and to show how diverse tutoring can be we compared the 3 most common tutoring business models.

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1-on-1 private tutoring

In a 1-on-1 private tutoring business model, a tutor works with students one-on-one or in small groups (2-4 people) to help them improve in a particular subject. This can be done in person or online, and the tutor can work with the student as often or as little as they need. The tutor will tailor their teaching to the individual student’s needs, and work at their pace to help them reach their goals.

Private tutoring is the best for beginners as it requires you to find just one student to start teaching and gaining tutoring experience.

Large group tutoring

In a large group tutoring model, there are usually 10 or more students who are being tutored by a single instructor. All students follow the same material and progress at the same pace.

This model requires you to have an established customer base and quality material for a course. But once you have those it is much easier to scale.

Corporate group tutoring

Corporate tutoring is a form of tutoring a company or organization provides to its employees to help them improve skills or knowledge in a particular area, such as math or English.

While it is group tutoring, it often requires you to customize your material according to the specific needs of the organization that hired you.

To be successful with this business model you need to have solid sales skills and a proven track record. While it is difficult to scale, corporate tutoring is a lucrative niche and, like with any B2B business, you can have a large business with a small number of customers.