10 Fun Tutoring Games Ideas For Kids And Adults

Learning can be fun and interactive with these fun tutoring games for kids and adults.

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Hangman is a popular game that is played by two people. One person thinks of a word and the other person tries to guess letters of the word by guessing one letter at a time. You must guess all the letters in the word to win this game.

Twenty Questions

In this game, one player will think of an object or animal and will try to get their partner to guess what it is by asking questions about it. The other player has 20 questions to ask before they can guess what the object or animal is.


This game is played in teams where each team has one person who describes a word that their team cannot say, but they have to use gestures, drawings, or pictures to describe it without saying the words themselves or letting anyone on their team say them either!

The Memory Game

The Memory Game is a game that is played by two or more players. The players take turns flipping over cards from a deck to find pairs of matching cards. The player who finds all the matching pairs first wins the game.

I Spy or What Do You See?

This is a game in which one person looks at an object and the other person has to guess what it is.

If you have ever played the game of ‘I spy’, then you know that it can be a lot of fun. It can also be a bit difficult. For example, if you are looking at a picture of a dog and your friend doesn’t know what it is, they might make guesses like ‘cat’ or ‘bear’.


An anagram game is a game in which players rearrange the letters of a word or phrase to create a new word or phrase. The game can be played with any number of players, but is typically played with two or more players. To play the game, each player must have a copy of the word or phrase that is to be used for the game. The players then take turns rearranging the letters of the word or phrase to create new words or phrases. The player who creates the most new words or phrases wins the game. Anagram games can be used for tutoring in a number of different ways. For example, anagram games can be used to help students learn new vocabulary words. By playing an anagram game with new vocabulary words, students can learn the meaning of the words as well as how to spell them. Additionally, anagram games can be used to review material that has been previously learned.


Boggle is a word game invented by Allan Turoff and distributed by Hasbro. The game is played using a plastic grid of lettered dice, in which players attempt to find words in sequences of adjacent letters. The game begins by shaking the lettered dice in the grid, then players take turns finding words. Each word must be at least three letters long, and can be formed by stringing together adjacent letters in any direction. Points are scored based on the length of the word, with longer words being worth more points. The game is over when all of the possible words have been found, or when the time limit expires.

Boggle can be used as a tool for tutoring students in English language arts, as it can help them to improve their vocabulary, spelling, and word recognition skills. The game can also be used to teach other subjects, such as history or science, by using themed boggle grids with words related to the subject matter.

Count the cards

“Count the cards” is a simple game that can be used to teach basic counting skills. The basic premise is to count the number of cards in a deck, and then remove a certain number of cards based on the number you counted. For example, if you counted ten cards, you would remove one card. The object of the game is to remove all the cards from the deck.

To play “Count the cards”, you will need a deck of cards and a way to keep track of the number of cards in the deck (either by using a pen and paper or by using a smartphone or other device with a calculator). To start, shuffle the deck of cards and then lay the cards out in a row, face up. Count the number of cards in the deck and then remove that number of cards from the deck (this can be done by placing the cards in a pile next to the deck or by placing the cards back in the deck and then shuffling the deck). Continue counting the cards and removing that number of cards until there are no cards left in the deck. The player who removes the last card is the winner.


Pictionary is a game in which players try to guess words from pictures drawn by other players. The game can be played with two or more players. To play the game, each player needs a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. You can also play this game during tutoring sessions on online whiteboard.

One player starts by choosing a word and drawing a picture of that word on their piece of paper. The other players then take turns trying to guess the word from the picture. The player who guessed the word correctly gets to choose the next word. The game continues until all the words have been guessed.

Pictionary can be used as a tutoring tool because it helps students learn new words and improve their vocabulary. It can also be used to teach spelling and grammar. In addition, Pictionary can be used to help students learn about different cultures and countries.

10 Questions

The “10 Questions” game is a great way to review material with a tutor or study partner. It is played by one person asking the other person ten questions about a particular topic. The person answering the questions can only respond with “yes” or “no.”

This game can be used to review any material, but it is especially useful for reviewing vocabulary words, grammar rules, or key concepts. To play the game, one person begins by asking the other person ten questions about the material to be reviewed. The person answering the questions can only respond with “yes” or “no.” After the ten questions have been asked, the roles are reversed and the person who asked the questions now answers the questions. The game can be played multiple times, with different topics, until both players feel confident about the material.

This game is a great way to review material because it forces the players to think about the material in a different way. By only being able to answer “yes” or “no,” the players are forced to really think about each question and what the answer should be.

Incorporating a game-based approach into teaching is an effective way to enhance student engagement and learning. It also helps them retain information better. The games are made in such a way that they provide an immersive experience for the players, which makes it more likely for them to remember what they have learned.

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